Instructional Materials

Title Content Area World Region Instructional Materials
Africa: Major Geographic Features Geography Africa (sub-Saharan), Middle East/North Africa Africa - Geography part 1-small.pdf1.1 MBAfrica - Geography part 2-small.pdf874.77 KB
Words of War and Peace: Literary Grenades and Olive Branches in the Modern Middle East Literature/Writing Middle East/North Africa ENG 366 spring 2020 syllabus.pdf282.34 KB
Digital Humanities Poetry/Photo Assignment Literature/Writing Middle East/North Africa Digital Humanities Poetry.pdf192.29 KB
Course Plan for English with Emphasis on the Middle East Gender and Women's Studies, Literature/Writing Middle East/North Africa Course plan for English 1 at Chabot Community College.pdf137.57 KB
The Illustrator's Notebook 1,2, 3 Fine Arts, Literature/Writing All regions Illustrator's Notebook 1-Ellabbad smaller.pdf2.58 MBIllustrator's Notebook 2-Ellabbad smaller.pdf3.39 MBIllustrators Notebook 3-Ellabbad smaller.pdf1.08 MB
Who are the Arabs Anthropology, History, Sociology Middle East/North Africa Who Are The Arabs.pdf75.25 KB
Understanding Israel Through the Lens of Local Media Journalism, Sociology Middle East/North Africa Understanding Israel through the Lens of Local Media.pdf456.88 KB
Sacred Water - Communication Lesson Communication Middle East/North Africa Lesson plan.pdf564.06 KB
World War I in the Middle East - A Document Analysis and Writing Assignment History, Literature/Writing Middle East/North Africa 1. Writing prompts and extension activities.pdf203.62 KB2. Document analysis sheet.pdf114.35 KB3. Documents on civilians.pdf710.55 KB4. Documents on soldiers.pdf740.72 KB5. documents on disease.pdf550.69 KB6. Optional overview of WWI in the Mid East.pdf276.05 KB
Islamic Influences in the Renaissance Fine Arts, History All regions 1. Unit Plan.pdf164.2 KB2. Outline - lecture 1.pdf118.79 KB3. Outline - lecture 2.pdf1.14 MB4. Outline - lecture 3.pdf178.73 KB5. Bibliography.pdf142.36 KB
Art Assignment on Arabic Calligraphy Fine Arts Middle East/North Africa Arabic Calligraphy_0.pdf208.16 KB
Women's Resistance Poetry of Afghanistan (Practical Teaching Resources) Anthropology, Gender and Women's Studies, Literature/Writing Central Asia, Middle East/North Africa 1. Practical Resources for Internationalizing Curriculum and Supporting International and Cultural Awareness through Landays W_0.pdf139.02 KB2. Instructors’ Guide to Incorporating Landay in the Classroom_0.pdf183.14 KB3. Modules in a Veterans Affairs Class_0.pdf127.23 KB4. Stand-Alone Assignment_0.pdf79.16 KB5. Different Assignments_0.pdf123.22 KB6. Additional resources - readings and videos_0.pdf201.76 KB
Middle East Literature Syllabus and other ME Literature resources Gender and Women's Studies, Sociology Middle East/North Africa Eng 242 ME Lit 2020.pdf539.42 KBMiddle Eastern Lit Resources NEH 2019.pdf3.73 MB
Reading “Texts” for Cross-Cultural Connectedness: A Lesson in Brainstorming Literature/Writing Middle East/North Africa Assignment Description.docx86.66 KBReading for Meaning Student Assignment.docx84.14 KB
Linguistic Influences on the Spanish Language- Spanish 102 Foreign Languages Latin America, Middle East/North Africa 1a. unit plan influences on Spanish - English_0.pdf497.17 KB1b. unit plan influences on Spanish - Spanish_0.pdf427.55 KB2a. Arabic influences on Spanish - English_0.pdf153.5 KB2b. Arabic influences on Spanish - Spanish_0.pdf196.19 KB3a. Nahuatl influences on Spanish - English_0.pdf1.89 MB4. sort arabic nahuatl_0.pdf55.19 KB5. conclusions.pdf134.15 KB
Cotton in the Global Economy Geography, History All regions Steck - Cotton in the Global Economy small version.pdf893.59 KB
Immigration, Migrants, and Refugees Geography, History, Political Science, Sociology Africa (sub-Saharan), All regions, Latin America instructions for students - English.docx74.29 KBinstructions for students - Spanish.docx14.68 KBMotivaciones - Spanish.docx18.64 KBmotivations-English.docx77.9 KBobjects-English.docx74.36 KBobjetos-Spanish.docx14.81 KBplatform - Clinton.docx37.37 KBplatform - Trump.docx29.07 KBRefugee rubric - English.docx75.39 KBRefugee rubric - Spanish.docx15.27 KBtemplate refugee english.pptx681.75 KBtemplate refugia - Spanish.pptx677.8 KBunit plan - English.docx82.03 KBunit plan - Spanish.docx25.38 KB
Studies in a Literary Genre: The “Turk Play” in Early Modern England Literature/Writing Middle East/North Africa, Western Europe ENGV 310 Syllabus.doc139.5 KB
Perspectives on War and Survival - Bosnian Poetry History Eastern Europe Perspecitives on War and Survival - Bosnian Poetry.pdf493.76 KB
Looking Beyond the Surface: History, Forgetting, and the Politics of National Reconciliation Fine Arts, History, Political Science, Sociology Eastern Europe curriculum plan.pdf182.13 KB
Genocide in Bosnia Literature/Writing, Political Science Eastern Europe Genocide in Bosnia.pdf249.19 KB
Old Bridges: New Perspectives - Bosnian Story of the Goat Bridge Literature/Writing Eastern Europe BalkansCurDev_Swaba.pdf209.4 KBThe Legend of Goats Bridge Story.pdf505.12 KB
Social Justice Art Fine Arts, History Eastern Europe 1 Social Justice Art (Intro).pdf1.54 MB2 Social Justice Art (China and Cuba Examples).pdf953.13 KB3 Social Justice Art (Bosnia and Herzegovina Examples).pdf825.71 KB4 Social Justice Art (Assignment).pdf51.13 KB
Global Issues: Middle East and South Asia syllabus Geography, History, Political Science Middle East/North Africa, South/Southeast Asia Global Issues Middle East and South Asia.pdf112.86 KB
Immigration Syllabus Geography, History, Political Science All regions Immigration Syllabus.pdf114.56 KB